Sunday, December 1, 2019

Gun Control vs Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has decided to rule on a case dealing with gun control in New York. They were not allowing citizens to drive their guns outside of city limits even if it was to a gun range. In order for this case to not appear in front the Supreme Court, New York changed the law so that people are allowed to do this now as long as they do not make any stops along the way.

People believe that this is still a violation of their second amendment and multiple agencies, such as the NRA, hope that this will be changed because it would end up reversing about 300 laws in other towns when it comes to gun control. Some lawmakers fear that this will reverse a lot of progress made since 2012 when the Sandy Hook shooting happened. One Congress member even put out a semi threatening message.

Image: Students Protest Against Gun Violence In Washington

"In an unusually critical friend-of-court brief, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., said if the court agreed to hear the case, even after New York repealed the law, it would look like a partisan move."
"The Supreme Court is not well," Whitehouse said in August. "And the people know it. Perhaps particularly on the urgent issue of gun control, a nation desperately needs it to heal."

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