Monday, December 2, 2019

America Not Allowed in Hong Kong

This past week Congress approved and President Trump signed a bill called the "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act" which shows America's support for Hong Kong and the people who are calling for more equality as well as representative democracy. China is very angry at the United States for doing this and has told the US Navy that they cannot go to the ports and the US military that they are not allowed to land planes in Hong Kong. The Chinese government thinks that this signing is showing that America is directly against China. However, the people in Hong Kong celebrated after this was signed.


Chinese news is not like American news. There are things in American news that are not favorable towards the government, but they are reported on anyway. This does not happen in China. If someone is against the Chinese government not only will they have their article revoked; they will most likely end up in prison as well. The Chinese take great censorship over what their people see. If it is anything remotely against the Chinese government the people will not see it. More than likely if it did get through at this point the Chinese would not believe it anyway. America has been demonized. Hong Kong has been demonized. Why would the Chinese people believe anything that comes from either of those sources when they have been told their whole lives that these places are corrupt?


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