Monday, December 2, 2019

Catholic Church Abuse

For years now people have been coming forward citing sexual abuse from leaders of the Catholic Church. What once was a scandal that no one wanted to admit the existence of is now all over the news. These religious leaders have been abusing children and covering it up for decades. Now the state governments of the United States have grown tired of this cyclical abuse. Three states have and will offer opportunities to file lawsuits, no matter how old, to right the wrong that the Catholic Church has done to so many people. In New York they have already had hundreds of cases brought forward.

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"Some lawyers believe payouts by juries will be bigger than ever because of a recent national reawakening over sex abuse, fueled by the #MeToo movement, the public shaming of accused celebrities and last year's Pennsylvania grand jury report that found 300 priests abused more than 1,000 children in that state. Since then, attorneys general in nearly 20 states have launched investigations of their own."

Now the people will just have to wait and watch how all of this unfolds. Many churches will most likely file for bankruptcy so they can minimize the damage done. In a wake of people feeling empowered there is no telling how many people will come forward and give their stories, but in light of this hopefully the Catholic Church looks at itself and expects better going forward.


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