Defense spending in NATO always seems to be a touchy subject for some reason. People do not like to talk about money and people especially do not like it when they are told they are not spending enough money. People have a difficult time understanding what percentages mean. If everyone has to pay 2% of their GDP into NATO, which is what everyone agreed upon when entering the alliance, it does not mean that they are all spending the same amount of money. The United States will always put in the most amount, but it should not mean that other countries get away with adding less than the 2% that they agreed upon. ABC News has an obvious bias against the way that President Trump is running the NATO summits. They are suggesting that President Trump believes that he is owed something by all of these other nations, yet when you read what happens at these summits all he is asking for is that everyone fulfill what they agreed to when they signed the treaty. America is made to be the bad guy in this article because they expect everyone else to put in their fair share as well. They cite that in 2014 that countries finally agreed that they would start paying the 2% that they promised and that it should not be brought up again. Yet if you look at NATO's website, it is plainly obvious that most of these countries have not increased their spending since they first agreed that they would. They need to either pay what they are supposed to, call for a rewrite of the treaty, or leave. They should not just rely on other people for their protection.
Source: https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/defense-budgets-set-dominate-nato-summit-67435527?cid=clicksource_4380645_null_icymi_image